Jan Bouwe van den Berg
Differential Equations
Department of Mathematics
Leiden University
I have moved to Nottingham. My new homepage is at http://spencer.thmech.nottingham.ac.uk/~pmzjb/.
- Uniqueness of solutions for the extended Fisher-Komogorov equation, Jan Bouwe van den Berg, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math., 326, 447-452 (1998).
- The phase-plane picture for a class of fourth-order conservative differential equations, Jan Bouwe van den Berg, J. Differential Equations, 161, 110-153 (2000).
- A domain-wall between single-mode and bimodal states, J.B. van den Berg and R.C.A.M. van der Vorst, Differential Integral Equations, 13, 369-400 (2000).
- Homotopy classes for stable periodic and chaotic patterns in fourth-order Hamiltonian systems, W.D. Kalies, J. Kwapisz, J.B. van den Berg and R.C.A.M. van der Vorst, to appear in Comm. Math. Phys. (2000).
- Travelling waves for fourth-order parabolic equations, Jan Bouwe van den Berg, Josephus Hulshof and Robertus van der Vorst, preprint 1999.
- Fourth order conservative Twist systems: simple closed characteristics, J.B. van den Berg and R.C.A.M. van der Vorst, preprint 1999.
- Periodic orbits for fourth order conservative systems and a Morse type theory (summary), J.B. van den Berg and R.C.A.M. van der Vorst, 1999.
- Global branches of multi bump periodic solutions of the Swift-Hohenberg equation (big file: 1.5Mb) G.J.B. van den Berg, L.A. Peletier and W.C. Troy, preprint 2000.
- Closed characteristics of fourth-order Twist systems via braids, R. Ghrist J.B. van den Berg and R.C.A.M. van der Vorst, to appear in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. (2000).
- Stable patterns for fourth order parabolic equations, J.B. van den Berg and R.C.A.M. van der Vorst, preprint 2000.
Curriculum Vitae
born on March 11th, 1973
1985-1991 : Stedelijk Gymnasium Haarlem
1991-1996 : Mathematics and Physics at Leiden University
1996-2000 : PhD in Mathematics at Leiden University (my thesis advisor was prof. L.A. Peletier)
2000-2002 : EPSRC research fellow at Nottingham University, Division of Theoretical Mechanics (with prof. J.R. King)