During a meeting on wednesday 24 November 2010 in Haarlem of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen) 8 undergraduate student mathematics has received the Young Talent Encouragement Award 2010 (Aanmoedigingsprijs) of the Thomas Stieltjes Institute for Mathematics. They received their prize for achieving the highest average grade at his first year diploma of all mathematics students in their university.

Chris Klaassen, chairman Stieltjes Institute (l) presents certificate to Reinier Kramer (m); Maarten Roelofsma (r)

the winners mathematics with the mathematicians Rinnooy Kan (chairman Hollandsche Maatschappij), Van Dijk, Bakker en Klaassen
The winners were:
- N. (Niels) uit de Bos (UL)
- E.J. (Ewan) Cahen (VU)
- S. (Saskia) Chambille (RUN)
- S. (Sjoerd) Geevers (UT)
- T. (Tamara) Kloek (TUD)
- C.J. (Christiaan) Koster (RUG)
- R. (Reinier) Kramer (UvA)
- M. (Maarten) Roelofsma (UU)
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