Nonparametric statistical inference: asymptotic theory and implementation
June 1996 - June 1998
Cooperation with: Mathematical Research Institute, The Netherlands, Universität Bielefeld, Germany, Belarus Academy of Sciences, Minsk, Belarus, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia, Institute for Problems of Information Transmission, Moscow, Russia, Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Project leader: W.R. van Zwet
Computer-intensive methods in statistical inference and mathematical finance: asymptotic theory and implementation
December 1995 - April 1998
Cooperation with: Mathematical Research Institute, The Netherlands, Universität Bielefeld, Germany, Belarus Academy of Sciences, Minsk, Belarus, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia, Institute for Problems of Information Transmission, Moscow, Russia, Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Tbilisi, Georgia, Humboldt Universität Berlin, Germany, Institut für Stochastik, Berlin, Germany, University of Århus, Denmark.
Project leader: W.R. van Zwet
Asymptotic analysis of stochastic networks
December 1998 - December 2000
Cooperation with INRIA: Ecole Normale Supérieure, France, Sophia Antipolis, France, University Paris-7, France, University of Ulm, Germany, University of Lund, Sweden, University of Cambridge, U.K., Basic Research Institute in the Mathematical Sciences, Bristol, U.K., Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia, Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Moscow, Russia, Surgent State University, Russia
Coordinators Stieltjes: O.J. Boxma and A. Hordijk
Estimation of parameters and construction of goodness-of-fit tests in some non- and semi-parametric models
March 1999 - March 2002
Cooperation with: Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Diepenbeek, Belgium, Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Tbilisi, Georgia
Project leader: C.A.J. Klaassen